want, need, wear, read | #3

Well hello everyone, hope you're well? Today's post is just a quick one, I'm trying my hardest to keep up with this series because I bloody love doing them. I'm always screen grabbing my favourite items, you should see my home screen, there is one big pile up! So I thought I would off load some of my finding onto you guys.

This week I have been almost bed ridden, my Fibromyalgia has flared up and I am been pretty much immobile for the last few days. I popped back to my doctors and yet again my meds have been altered. Finding a balance and a combination that works is proving a lot more difficult. I'm also suffering for mood swings and my depression is well and truly back.

As it's my first pay day for A LONG TIME on Friday I am looking forward to having a little splurge, what better way to cheer myself up.

Although most of these items are well and truly out of my reach - which is ironic I know. But I've had my eye on them for a long time.

Let us first take a moment to admire the beauty that is Patti Smith.....The book Seventh Heaven is a collection of Patti's poems and was released in 1972, unfortunately it's no longer available and hasn't been for a very long time. I'm still holding out hope, for a copy to show up in my local charity shop - here's hoping.

I have made plans to visit one of my friends in Sweden this summer and I've even started learning the lingo - it's quite easy. And as my obsession for Swedish things grow (there are the obvious things like ABBA, Ikea and of course the Moomins) I will always have a crush on these boots by Swedish Hasbeens. This summer I WILL own a pair and of course some of their lovely sandals. Oh and if you're bearded, from Sweden and single, get in touch!

One of my new years resolutions was to delve into the world of YouTube, which I started last month. Since recording that introduction video I have been poorly on a off, started a new job and been working hard at uni, so life has pretty much got in the way. But rest assured next month will see some exciting adventures for Blue Rinse and I want to share them all with you. I already own a DSLR - which I hate - but I want to get something a little bit more compact so I can carry around with me and film a lot easier on the go. This one by Canon was recommend by Lily and Vivianna in their Blogging Equipment & Photography Tips Video which you can find here. They answers all the questions you've ever wanted to know about filming and equipment.

And lastly the only item I will realistically be able to buy is this lovely little cropped stripped jumper from Monki. I always browse their site but never commit and buy anything. This month I can't wait to get my hands on a few new items from their site.

What items are you lusting after this payday?

Laurie Rose