After years of struggling with my weight, whether it be due to my obsession with comfort eating or certain medication I decided it was time for a change. I hadn't weighed myself for at least eight months, but I knew my body was changing - again. I made a decision to join Weight Watchers, it was the only way I would make a change.
When I stepped on the scales at my first meeting I was horrified to see I had put on almost two stone since April. I had mixed emotions, the first was 'how am I going to lose all this weight' I wanted a quick fix. In the past I have tried all sorts of diets, you name it I've done it. Cabbages Soup, Atkins, Fasting, Slimming World, Slim Fast, Apple Diet, Herbal Pills, Weight Loss Patches the list is endless. The only one that had ever been successful was Weight Watchers, I'd lost two stone back in 2006 in preparation for dance college. Yes, believe it or not I used to be a healthy size 10/12 and I was fit, I could do a two hour ballet class no problem. But then I found alcohol and developed an obsession with food, but not in a good way. I would secretly eat, I could easily polish off a packet of biscuits in minutes and afterwards I would feel disgusting. But this was my own way of coping with my emotions. Just like anorexia or bulimia, over-eating is a kind of eating disorder. Stuffing yourself until you physically can't eat anymore is a personal, private thing- something you wouldn't dare discuss with anyone. I would cry myself to sleep, but felt there was nothing I could do.
The realisation came when someone commented and said 'Oh when are you due?' I was mortified, that's when the change came. I've been following Weight Watchers now for almost four weeks and so far so good. I feel so much better in myself. My skin is better, my energy levels are up and I really don't miss anything at the moment. It doesn't feel like a diet because you're constantly full up. It's great!
So for a while I'm taking some time out from outfit posts as I'm really not comfortable in anything right now. Everything I put on makes me feel even bigger. I'm settling for a lot of big, black outfits.
I want to start another blog to document my progress, but I'm scared of the criticism I will get.
If anyone else out there is going through the same thing please get in touch, I would love to hear from you guys, I love to chat.
Hopefully hear from you very soon,
Laurie Rose.