Goodbye Autumn, hello Winter. I say, with slightly disgruntled face. It's official here in the Blue Rinse household, Winter has arrived. We have the fire roaring and the wooly jumpers are out of hibernation. It seemed as soon as bonfire night was over, everything turned Christmasy, which I'm not complaining about as my middle name should be Mother Christmas. I just love Autumn so much, and it's such a shame to be over so quickly.
The Christmas trees are up in the supermarkets and the advent adverts are beginning to pop up; although I haven't seen one yet. I wanted to put together a little wish list post, I love making these it's so much fun. This is the first one I have put one together using Polyvore. I'm sure I'm years behind most of the bloggers out there, but it's great! Simple to use and has such a diverse database of items. I am hooked!
I was obsessed with collage kits and cutting a sticking things as a child, so it really does feel like all my Christmases have come at once.
The first item that caught my eye was this beautiful coat from Pull & Bear. It's a steal at £39.99, I couldn't quite believe my eyes. A black pair of skinny jeans are a staple wardrobe item for any season, I just love Topshop jeans, always have and I always will. I can't get enough of knitwear, and mustard is my favourite colour in the Winter, so this textured oversized jumper from Anthropologie is coming home with me on payday. As for a fragrance, I love Chloe and I still have half a bottle left - I use it sparingly. But I would LOVE to try their Roses De Chloe (this is a little hint to Momma Rinse, expect a lot of hints in the next few weeks Momma) the packaging is elegant and I love anything rosie so I should love it.
Let me know your Winter Wish List items below, I would love to hear from you guys.
Laurie Rose