Breastfeeding Awareness Week | My #brelfie

To mark the end of Breastfeeding Awareness Week, I thought I would share my latest #brelfie. Before I had Hedd I would never have posted something like this, I would have been far too embarrassed and self conscious. Becoming a mother has allowed me to embrace my body. I appreciate it a lot more these days and I'm learning to take care of this precious vessel I've been given. In the latest 12 months it has been pushed and stretched to its limits. And now I am solely responsible for nourishing my son, pretty groovy huh? The more I read about the amazing body I have, the more I'm thankful for being given the chance to have a son. I will never take my body for granted again, it's kinda awesome!

Each stretch mark reminds me of the nine months my son and I spent as one. How efficiently my body worked to create a new life. My scar lets me know that things don't always go to plan and that sometimes you need help.

Motherhood has made me calmer, more patient and a lot more open-minded. For the first time in my life I feel I have a purpose. I'm finally a mother.

I would love to see your Brelfies. If you use Instagram or Twitter post them using the hashtag #bluerinsebrelfie can't wait to see them.

If you're pregnant or just starting on your breastfeeding journey and need advice or guidance, I'm no expert but I would love to hear from you.

Laurie Rose & Baby Hedd