As a budding journalist, I spend a lot of my time flicking through magazines each week. I am selective with my subscriptions and when it comes to making an executive decision I am rubbish. I like something that is well produced, is aesthetically pleasing and something that looks good on the coffee table. But all that aside, the articles and features have to be interesting, engaging and worth spending hours getting lost in.
I stumbled across oh comely through one of my best friends, Aime. She has her own little corner of the internet and you can find her here.
My love for this magazine was born almost instantly, I fell in love with the dreamy photography and beautifully written articles.
The magazine is issued bi-monthly and each issue has a theme. In the latest instalment there are tips for creativity, interviews with strong women (of course this was my favourite part) photographs of small museums and the best of all deep-fried empanadas, my favourite south Portuguese food.
It's easy to get lost in oh comely land. It's dreamy and nostalgic and gets your creative juices flowing. So flick the kettle on and find somewhere comfortable, a place to escape from the world.
Before I became a subscriber, I used to pick my copy up from WHSmiths and each one costs a reasonable £4. But then I got involved and wanted to be the first to see it and I still get excited when post lands on my mat. And for just £22 a year you get six issues delivered straight to you door.
You can head over to their website, where they have eloquently written, contemplative articles. Not only that they have a blog and a section for pictures. This magazine is weighted heavily with photography but that doesn't mean the copy is compromised, in my experience less is more. It's about quality and not quantity.
If you would like to subscribe to oh comely, you can do that here.
Do you subscribe to any monthly or bi-monthly magazines? Let me know, I'm on the look out for some new reads.
Laurie Rose