In celebration of last night Imbolc I've decided to put together a little post to bring in the Spring. Technically it's still freezing outside and with storm Henry on its way most of you must think I'm nuts. But just take a look around - if the wind holds off for a second and your hair isn't blinding you - and notice the changes in nature. The daffodils have bloomed and the snowdrops are sprouting up everywhere. Yesterday the sun shone bright all day and although there's a nip in the air it feels new and crisp.
I've spent the morning decluttering not only my house but also my mind, so here are my top tips for putting a spring in your step this week.
There is nothing better than a good clear out. It's not only good for your home but also for your mind. As you wade through the mess that you've accumulated over winter you remember and remind yourself to be thankful for what you have. This morning I have somehow managed to find 12 bin bags full of clothes toys and other bits and bobs to the charity shop. Twelve. I don't even have a cupboard in my house where was it all hiding?
Take time for you
This is probably the most important for me at the moment, taking time out for myself. After having Hedd I felt guilty for wanting time away, I loved him so much that I would miss him even while he slept. Now he's almost 11 months old and the odd afternoon away does me the world of good. I appreciate our bond so much more and the cheesy grin when I return fills my heart to bursting.
Embrace Nature
Now the sun is shining and the spring flowers are in bloom it's time take a walk, blow away this winter blues and embrace your surrounding. I live in the country so it's easy for me to get out but if you're in the city find a park or head out into the garden. This month we are starting on our allotment and I can't wait to start eating and attempting to live a more sustainable life. I'm lucky to have the outdoor space to do this but why not try planting in pots and getting the kiddies involved. Children love to see things grow and are more likely to eat their greens if they've grown them themselves.
I have always been impulsive and setting off at the drop of a hat was one of my favourite past time. Nowadays it's not as easy to get away but being spontaneous and going with the day seems to be more achievable. Once in a while do something new, experience something different or simply do something out of your comfort zone. This month I'm going to take Hedd swimming. I'm petrified of the water but don't want to pass that onto him, so I'm conquering my fears once and for all.
This year one of my new years resolutions was to meditate. Every time I research alternative treatment for Fibromyalgia this one forever comes out on top. Recently I have found it difficult to take time out because of the amount of pain I've been in with my kidney stones but once I've got Friday out of the way I want to find half an hour each day to practice mindfulness. I recently downloaded the app Headspace so I'm going to give it a go and see how I get on. I'll keep you posted.
Be more conscious
This is something I try an adopt every single day. I'm growing forever conscious of living a more sustainable life and the next step for me is to lower our carbon footprint. I want to live a more simple life, eating seasonally and as locally as possible this will improve the community in which we live and of course our health.
Let go
Letting go of all that negative energy is so important for moving forward. I like to think of it as an emotional cleanse. Leaving the past in the past and looking forward makes me see things a lot clearer. Are you holding a grudge? Worried about what might happen?
Next year I'm planning to go travelling. I want to buy a van and take off around Europe. Some may think I'm mad but I can't wait to see the world and not just by going on holiday but actually living it. So it's time to start saving and start planning.
What are your plans for the future?
Laurie Rose