2015 Goals | Positive changes

At the start of 2014 I had so many things planned, so much to see and do. I wanted to travel and learn more about myself - work on the inner me, improve as a person. And for a time I did. I got my independence in the form of my first car and I felt the world was my oyster. I learned to forgive and started to enjoy my life. Then I found out I was pregnant and my world stopped. Everything I had been working on seemed lost - for a time. I lost all prospective and found myself back at square one. Back at home with my Mum, alone and expecting. I've spoken openly about what happened to my relationship and although I wish I'd kept it to myself I needed a place to vent. I needed to make sense of the situation and the only way to do that was to put it into words.

I resented everything about being pregnant at first. My whole body seemed to be rejecting this little bean inside of me. The morning sickness was overwhelming and understandably my mood was low. That was until my 12 week scan.

Instantly the sickness subsided and I felt like someone had just handed me a carefully wrapped present. I began to realise that eating ready salted Pringles and cheese burgers wasn't exactly the best idea if I was going to grow a healthy, happy baby. I was now aware of my surroundings and avoided all the non-recommend things like the Plague. I ditched the lavender and lowered the temperature of my evening soak. I started stocking my body up on prenatal vitamins, I eliminated caffeine and enjoyed the fresh air.

I dragged myself out of the self pity hole I'd fallen into and found myself the perfect little place for bean and I to call home. I organised my finances and started building bridges with my estranged family.

I was growing up.

So when I look back and reflect on the positive changes I've made, I realised not all was lost - 2014 wasn't that bad after all. I have achieved things I never thought I would - albeit slightly forced due to the circumstances. And I'm not saying you should all rush out in 2015 and get pregnant to get things done but I've found it to be a real eye opener. The lack of booze and fags could have something to do with it. The healthier life I've led during pregnancy might have contributed to the sudden surge of proactivity - I couldn't be sure but I fully intent to keep up the good work and bring Baby Belle in to a positive, productive world. One I've proudly created for myself.

I've never been one for new years resolutions but I do enjoy making lists so it was easy to think of a few lifestyle changes for 2015...

READ - A book a month

I feel everyone I've spoken to has this on their list. I'm fully aware that once Baby Belle arrives I won't have a minute to myself but I'm hoping that I will get enough time to achieve this goal. I want to broaden my horizons, learn and become more open minded.

WRITE - Explore new avenues

Use my blogging skills to broaden my writing style. Focus on current affairs, motherhood and actually put my journalism degree to good use. GET PUBLISHED!

TRAVEL - Book those dream adventures

Finally make an effort to visit the places I've always wasted to go. Stockholm, Copenhagen, New York & Aarhus. All with Baby Belle in tow. 

EXPLORE - Look closer to home

This year I want to begin to appreciate my local surroundings. The beauty in nature and my friends. Spend quality time with the people that matter most.

HEALTH - Look after me

It's very hard to concentrate on yourself when you are constantly thinking of others. Especially when I'm due to have a baby in two weeks. My mind is totally preoccupied with making sure he is safe and sound - and that won't change any time soon. But I am determined to explore a more natural path when it comes to my Fibromyalgia. No nasty meds, a healthy balanced diet and as much rest as possible. 

I know this post is a little bit late but it's better late than never...

Laurie Rose